White CBG Pre-roll & Cigar

from $5.99


*Hybrid 13.7% Cannabinoids, <.3% THC, Net Wt. 1.2g Initially, the nose exudes notes of fresh plant matter, cypress and a bit of a spicy skunk. When broken up, these flavors intensify and evolve, shifting to a bouquet that includes hints of cilantro and gas. The White CBG nugs are dense, sparkling with frost and the buds break apart nice without the need of a grinder. Boasting an earthy and peppery aroma along with a cool, crisp smoke, the CBG is super smooth. White Series CBG is a nice daytime or early evening choice and a great way to take the edge off of the day and relax the mind.

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*Hybrid 13.7% Cannabinoids, <.3% THC, Net Wt. 1.2g Initially, the nose exudes notes of fresh plant matter, cypress and a bit of a spicy skunk. When broken up, these flavors intensify and evolve, shifting to a bouquet that includes hints of cilantro and gas. The White CBG nugs are dense, sparkling with frost and the buds break apart nice without the need of a grinder. Boasting an earthy and peppery aroma along with a cool, crisp smoke, the CBG is super smooth. White Series CBG is a nice daytime or early evening choice and a great way to take the edge off of the day and relax the mind.


*Hybrid 13.7% Cannabinoids, <.3% THC, Net Wt. 1.2g Initially, the nose exudes notes of fresh plant matter, cypress and a bit of a spicy skunk. When broken up, these flavors intensify and evolve, shifting to a bouquet that includes hints of cilantro and gas. The White CBG nugs are dense, sparkling with frost and the buds break apart nice without the need of a grinder. Boasting an earthy and peppery aroma along with a cool, crisp smoke, the CBG is super smooth. White Series CBG is a nice daytime or early evening choice and a great way to take the edge off of the day and relax the mind.